Today’s production requirements demand systems that excel in performance and are reliable year after year. In addition, our easy installation, low maintenance, simple operation, durability, flexibility, and operational efficiency are all carefully considered in the design and construction of every GSI product manufactured.

Never satisfied with the status quo, we are driven to provide top-of-the-line products that will protect, condition and move the grain you work so hard to produce. We are committed each and every day to provide the best service possible. We’re always growing, but we will never lose sight of the relationships that got us here in the first place. While our commitment to remain at the top runs deep, our commitment to you runs even deeper.



Flat Bottom Bins, Hopper Tanks, Unloaders, Fans & Heaters, Aeration Floors, Temperature Sensors, Cooling, Bin Accessories

GSI Storage Solutions ensure that the Complex layout is flexible enough to accommodate the change and the option to add on the necessary capacity (Storage capacities ranging from 2.5tons to 50,000 tons per Silo), in a way that is easy and ultra-cost effective.


  • Storing grain can help you capture the free market system penetration
  • Less than ideal weather conditions during harvest season
  • The ability to condition grain for maximum value
  • Grain may be used gradually throughout the year for livestock feed
  • Minimising of transport, storage and handling cost
  • Elimination of grain damage and loss
  • Our Storage Solutions are also movable assets
  • Storage Bins can be removed or relocated should circumstances require it


Continuous Flow Dryers, Top Dry, In Bin Drying, Aeration Floors, Fans & Heaters With Controllers

Conditioning equipment utilises industry proven drying principles and technologically advanced controls, resulting in high performance and simple to operate drying systems.


  • Start harvest earlier to minimize potentially significant field losses from grain shatter lodged crops, weather, theft and wild animals
  • Condition grain early, before adverse weather conditions appear and avoid catastrophic crop losses that could occur by waiting for the grain to dry in the field
  • Prevent elevator shrinkage charges applied to grain delivered above requested moisture limits
  • By avoiding these charges, customers can add more Rands to their bottom Line
  • Deliver grain closer to the moisture level desired by die purchaser and avoid dockage charges
  • Gain greater marketing flexibility by storing properly conditioned grain for long periods of time without deterioration
  • Eliminate harvest bottlenecks by conditioning grain at a pace that compliments today’s high-capacity combines

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