As an official dealer of the well-known brand GSI®, The GSI Group South Africa (Pty) Ltd is situated in Johannesburg, a leader in Grain Storage, Drying & Conditioning, Handling Equipment, and Structures sales in Southern Africa. With a locally based warehouse, we can offer cost-effective, time-efficient solutions for both Commercial and Farming clients.
For more than 20 years, been involved in the successful installation of Grain Storage facilities in several African markets, where no-nonsense operating parameters are essential.
The GSI Brand, along with all its products, has earned the reputation for being durable and cost-effective, with the added advantage of being customisable.
From site planning to installation and service, we are committed to our customers now and many years to come. When you buy GSI, you get the quality product of a worldwide leader and the local dependable service.
Today’s production requirements demand systems that excel in performance and are reliable year after year. In addition, our easy installation, low maintenance, simple operation, durability, flexibility, and operation efficiency are all carefully considered in the design and construction of every GSI product manufactured.
Never satisfied with the status quo, we are driven to provide top-of-the-line products that will protect, condition and move the grain you work so hard to produce. We are committed each and every day to provide the best service possible. We’re always growing, but we will never lose sight of the relationships that got us here in the first place. While our commitment to remain at the top runs deep, our commitment to you runs even deeper.
GSI helps farmers and commercial operators protect profit by rethinking the way grain is stored, conditioned, moved and managed.
”Whether you are constructing a large facility, considering ways to move and dry grain more efficiently or looking to improve the bottom line with improved on-farm storage and conditioning, our proven systems are engineered to increase your productivity and profitability.

Director and Chief Executive Officer
Tony Clouston is responsible for leading efforts to maximize financial and operational performance and ensure that the company’s customer base is provided with advanced products and services. Clouston has demonstrated his extensive technical knowledge over the last 20 years in the Grain Industry. With a proven sales and project management experience, and his product knowledge of the GSI Brand has led him to his current position.
General Manager
Financial Manager
Sales Manager
Technical Manager
Procurement & Marketing
Design Manager
Integrated grain systems protecting yield and marketing flexibility including grain storage, conditioning, material handling and structures: This is GSI. With a proven, dependable and comprehensive line of equipment, an enterprise can achieve maximum efficiency and profitability. GSI designs and produces forward-thinking, expertly engineered products, backed by an exceptional support team.
Solutions that boost overall performance and productivity. Every day. All year long. GSI has you covered.
Flat Bottom Bins, Hopper Tanks, Unloaders, Fans & Heaters, Aeration Floors, Temperature Sensors, Cooling, Bin Accessories
GSI Storage Solutions ensure that the Complex layout is flexible enough to accommodate the change and the option to add on the necessary capacity (Storage capacities ranging from 2.5tons to 50,000 tons per Silo), in a way that is easy and ultra-cost effective.
- Storing grain can help you capture the free market system penetration
- Less than ideal weather conditions during harvest season
- The ability to condition grain for maximum value
- Grain may be used gradually throughout the year for livestock feed
- Minimising of transport, storage and handling cost
- Elimination of grain damage and loss
- Our Storage Solutions are also movable assets
- Storage Bins can be removed or relocated should circumstances require it

Continuous Flow Dryers, Top Dry, In Bin Drying, Aeration Floors, Fans & Heaters With Controllers
Conditioning equipment utilises industry proven drying principles and technologically advanced controls, resulting in high performance and simple to operate drying systems.
- Start harvest earlier to minimize potentially significant field losses from grain shatter lodged crops, weather, theft and wild animals
- Condition grain early, before adverse weather conditions appear and avoid catastrophic crop losses that could occur by waiting for the grain to dry in the field
- Prevent elevator shrinkage charges applied to grain delivered above requested moisture limits
- By avoiding these charges, customers can add more Rands to their bottom Line
- Deliver grain closer to the moisture level desired by die purchaser and avoid dockage charges
- Gain greater marketing flexibility by storing properly conditioned grain for long periods of time without deterioration
- Eliminate harvest bottlenecks by conditioning grain at a pace that compliments today’s high-capacity combines

Bucket Elevators, Chain Conveyors, Belt Conveyors, Air Systems, GSI Distributors, Grain Cleaners, Augers, Automatic Samplers, Bulk Weighers Truck Probes, Field Load Conveyors
Efficiency is key, and that’s why GSI offers a vast range of Handling Solutions. Powered by innovated automation technology. From receiving to unloading, to pre-processing or post processing, these solutions are deigned to increase the productivity.

Towers, Catwalks
Agriculture is all about hard work and being smart with your time – get the job done right so you can move on to the next one. That’s why we’ve gone back to the drawing board with towers and catwalks to create a product that makes installation more intuitive.

Cimbria is one of the world’s leading companies within industrial processing, handling and storage of grain and seed, as well as animal feed, foodstuffs and other bulk products. We offer project design, engineering and process control – as well as the development, manufacturing and service of individual machines, customized systems and turnkey installations.
PROTEIN (AP & Cumberland)
AP takes pride in offering producers a full-line of proven, reliable and efficient solutions for swine production operations, large or small. AP equipment is designed to maintain the health and achieve the growth potential of your hogs, boosting the overall performance and profitability of your operation. Whether building new or looking to retrofit current facilities.
Cumberland is a world-class poultry equipment manufacturer offering a full line of proven and dependable solutions to help producers protect health and productivity. Cumberland’s product offering includes feeding and watering systems, feed storage and delivery systems, ventilation equipment, heaters, cooling systems, controls and alarms, nesting equipment and more. Able to accommodate the needs of poultry production operations large and small, Cumberland delivers products engineered to outlast and outperform, service that doesn’t punch a clock, expertise that understands the industry inside and out and the vision to see what’s coming next.
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